Common::CLIParser | The CLIParser class This class gathers commandline options from all plugins and executes on the This happens during construction of CLIParser |
Common::Config_Registry | The Config_Registry singleton is a global configuration store singleton It is fed from filesystem, CLI, and GUI |
Common::Plugin_Registry | The Plugin_Registry singleton Holds a map of plugins and their names for access from sequence walker and config_registry |
Common::Sequence_Walker | Runs the sequence given from CLI or GUI This builder style class takes steps set in config_registry and executes them |
Model::ModelStringBuilder | The ModelFactory class This is the abstract interface to use for Import plugins |
Plugins::LSYS::LSYSModelFactory | The LSYSModelFactory class The builder implementation that will be returned from the plugin |
Plugin_Registry | |
Plugins::Export::BboxParse | The BboxParse class Iterates through the model string, calculating a bounding box from min- and max coordinates |
Plugins::Export::PDF::QPainterParse | |
Plugins::Export::SVG::QPainterParse | |
Plugins::PluginInfo | |
QNanoQuickItem | |
QtGUI::QNanoPaintedCurve | The QNanoPaintedCurve class This class is the GUI interface to the item placed in the rendering scene and handles business logic related to drawing |
QNanoQuickItemPainter | |
QtGUI::QNanoCurvePainter | The QNanoCurvePainter class This class is executed through the scene graph from the rendering thread and draws the actual geometry. It pulls its data from QNanoPaintedCurve before drawing |
QObject | |
Model::LSYSModel | The LSYSModel class Holds a data model string in a unique ptr, notifies and supplies clients with changes |
Model::LSYSModelImpl | The LSYSModel implementation |
Plugins::Export::PDF::Test_PDF | |
Plugins::Export::SVG::Test_SVG | |
Plugins::Export::Test_STDOUT | |
Plugins::LSYS::Test_LSYS | |
Plugins::Plugin | The Plugin class Main interface for plugins, obtains the plugin info TODO: Could be used to obtain the GUI configuration screen |
Plugins::Exporter | The Exporter interface |
Plugins::Export::PDF::PDF | The PDF class An exporter for PDFs Fits a model to an A4 page and prints to PDF |
Plugins::Export::Stdout::StdoutExport | The StdoutExport interface Dumps the model string to console |
Plugins::Export::SVG::SVG | The SVG class An exporter for SVGs |
Plugins::Import | The Import interface Declares the interface for importers |
Plugins::LSYS::LSYS | The LSYS class Exposes a builder that can create a model string from an L-System description. Uses the stringsubst module from the fxtlib |
Plugins::ModifyModel | |
Plugins::ModifyVM | |
QtCLI::PFCRenderCLI | The PFCRenderCLI class This class is used when –batch operation is requested and execute the sequence |
QtGUI::PFCRenderGUI | Tasked with executing the requested sequence and relaying model change signals to the rendering class |
QtGUI::QNanoCurvePainter | The QNanoCurvePainter class This class is executed through the scene graph from the rendering thread and draws the actual geometry. It pulls its data from QNanoPaintedCurve before drawing |
Test_CLI | |
Test_GUI | |
qt_meta_stringdata_Model__LSYSModel_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_Model__LSYSModelImpl_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_Plugins__Export__PDF__PDF_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_Plugins__Export__Stdout__StdoutExport_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_Plugins__Export__SVG__SVG_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_Plugins__Exporter_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_Plugins__Import_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_Plugins__LSYS__LSYS_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_Plugins__Plugin_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_QNanoQuickItem_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_QtCLI__PFCRenderCLI_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_QtGUI__PFCRenderGUI_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_QtGUI__QNanoCurvePainter_t | |
qt_meta_stringdata_QtGUI__QNanoPaintedCurve_t | |
string_subst | |
util::PolarVector2D | The PolarVector2D class utility class for easy calculation of vertex coordinates, iteration of the curve can be done by manipulating the current object, avoiding potentially costly copying |