pfcrender  1.0.1
Common Namespace Reference

Classes in this namespace are used by multiple other packages (plugin, gui, cli) More...


class  CLIParser
 The CLIParser class This class gathers commandline options from all plugins and executes on the This happens during construction of CLIParser. More...
class  Config_Registry
 The Config_Registry singleton is a global configuration store singleton It is fed from filesystem, CLI, and GUI. More...
class  Plugin_Registry
 The Plugin_Registry singleton Holds a map of plugins and their names for access from sequence walker and config_registry. More...
class  Sequence_Walker
 The Sequence_Walker class runs the sequence given from CLI or GUI This builder style class takes steps set in config_registry and executes them. More...


const std::vector< QPair
< QString, QCommandLineOption > > 

Detailed Description

Classes in this namespace are used by multiple other packages (plugin, gui, cli)

Variable Documentation

const std::vector<QPair<QString, QCommandLineOption> > Common::builtin_opts
Initial value:
{ "Main.Batch", QCommandLineOption("batch", "No GUI loaded when present, exits after sequence execution", "") },
{ "Main.Clear", QCommandLineOption("clear", "Skip loading previous state from config store", "") },
{ "ViewModel.InitialAngle", QCommandLineOption("ia", "initial angle of first curve segment (0 = right)", "0 - 360") },
{ "ViewModel.Angle", QCommandLineOption("a", "angle of turns for each segment", "0 - 360") },
{ "ViewModel.SegmentLength", QCommandLineOption("sl", "length of segment in pixels", "360") },
{ "ViewModel.SegmentWidth", QCommandLineOption("sw", "stroke width for segment rendering in pixels", "integer") },
{ "ViewModel.Rounding", QCommandLineOption("rd", "Percentage of segments that should be rounded with arcs", "<0.5") }